
Tennessee, USA

someone who can make me laugh, someone who will take me to a museum and a game, someone who loves to dance even if they're terrible, someone to golf with me and not keep score, someone to talk me out of black diamond runs, someone who loves the rain, someone who showers regularly, someone who understands what unconditional love is, someone who is real, someone who knows what they want out of life or at least what they don't want. i want to meet someone who can teach me something. i want to meet someone who

A little bit about me

i'm a student studying music and psychology and i'll be done in august. sweet jesus! i plan on going to grad school, and then i'm going to pursue a career in music therapy, hopefully for a children's hospital. look it up, i don't feel like explaining what music therapy is on here, just know that i will have one of the greatest jobs ever. except for the host of those travel channel shows who rates all of the 5 star resorts, that would be better. (message me if you know how i can get that job.) i love going to local restaurants. i love wine, especially with good friends and good conversation. i am very blunt. some people like me, others don't. i have very little patience for stupidity. i love to laugh, sometimes i cry despite my best efforts. i can't wait to be a mother. i think it will be my greatest accomplishment, but at the same time i can TOTALLY wait to be a mother. :) i'm terrible at chess but i like to talk smack. i like to listen to other people's stories. sometimes i pick bad movies. i eat carbs and i'm never going to stop that. i'm currently training to do my first half marathon. i'm really excited about it, but i don't really know what i'm doing, so training tips would also be nice. i look forward to the future and i have no regrets from my past.

Personal Details

Age 37
Other, Other, Other, Other

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