
Coventry, UK

A little bit about me

Im a 30-young slim, sexy, sassy, electrifying, funny lady. I still know how to have good times n I live my life with a passion...I always look on the bright side of life... never let silly things get me down!!I love my spiritual work, it keeps me grounded. I try n stay true to myself so I can stay true to others. I am a very genuine n Honesty rules!!!Treating all my friends family n new peeps in my life as I wish to be treated myself is very important to me... with an unconditonal, non-judgemental, so grateful for all that I have in life....for the good times n the bad as thats what makes me the girl am I today!I am known as the big cheeseball at parties...my nic name is 'Kaz the spaz' as I love to make my friends laugh n laugh even if they're laughing at me...hehe! ;o)I love all kinds of music especially funky house/dirty electro beats...anything I can shake my booty dont worry I know how to chill to, I love a 'cuddle up' on the sofa watching a good my carbon footprint down is important to me, and do all that I can, to try n keep this beautiful world we live in all its glory..I love my life... n I wana share it with someone who can keep me on my toes.... like I will do him!!So come chat with me if you wana be awakened into a new dimension of kazza loving...... and some geekiness of course.... ;o)x mwwah x

Personal Details

Age 44

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